Davide Ghaleb Editore


International Summer School "ENRICO GUIDONI"
City ant Territory: Archeology and Architecture

International Summer School
City and Territory: Archaeology and Architecture
Castel Madama (RM), Castello Orsini; Rome,
Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica, Italy
September 2-11, 2016

Organized by:
PROLOCO Castel Madama
International Centre for Heritage Studies, GAU-ICHS
In collaboration with:
Çankaya University, Ankara
Fakulteti i Arkitekturës dhe Urbanistikës Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës, Albania
Alexandria University, Egypt
DiDALabs system, Department of Architecture, University of Florence

With the patrociny of:
Società Tiburtina di Storia e d’Arte, Tivoli
Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica, Rome
Centro internazionale di studi per la storia della città. Fonti d’archivio e patrimonio architettonico-ambientale, Rome
Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, Cyprus
Department of Cultural Heritage of the Rome Chapter of Architects, Italy

Davide Ghaleb Editore, Associazione Culturale “Villa Adriana Nostra”, Slow Food Tivoli e Valle dell’Aniene

The summer school aims to develop the students’ knowledge of architecture and archaeology, at the urban and territorial scale, in Rome and in the surroundings. We can indeed consider these territories as a reference for the general understanding of architecture, and therefore these contexts can help the full understanding of the relationships between architecture and archaeology.
Teaching methodologies:
The school includes modules of history, archaeology, urban morphology, methodologies for heritage survey, restoration, landscape, heritage management and design. Most of the teaching activities will be in the Castello Orsini at Castel Madama, a small town close to Rome, and the final conference, “Reconsidering Archaeology and Architecture” will be on September 10th at the Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica in Rome.

Deadline for application is July 5th.

Summer school Website:  http://www.paesaggioarcheologico .info

Summer school Facebook group: https://web.facebook.com/groups/503284269860471